Proj Space

**Table of Contents **

What is a Proj Space?

How to request a Proj Space?

How to add people to a Proj Space?

Disk Quotas for Proj Space

Additional Help

What is a Proj Space?

A Proj Space is a high capacity storage directory in the /proj file system. Proj spaces are only made for faculty and are best suited for research projects that require large amounts of storage or have members who need to share code/data/results. Each Proj Space has a posix group that only allows members of that group to access the Proj Space. There is no file deletion policy for Proj Space, but users should take care in managing the use of their Proj space to stay under assigned quotas. Note that by default Proj space is not backed up. If you have 30TB or more of truly inactive data, we can assist in archival.

How to request a Proj Space?

Proj space is available to PIs (only) upon request. For further information and to make a request for Proj space please email Please provide the following information in this request:

  • List of onyens to have access to the Proj Space
  • Directory name of the Proj Space that includes the PI's last name or onyen and something else (e.g. lab). Examples for a PI with the onyen abc: abc_lab, abclab, abclb or abc_lb.

Once the Proj Space has been created, the PI will recieve an email on how to manage their Proj Space with the directory /proj/labname and posix group rc_labname_psx. To manage access see How to add people to a Proj space? and to manage storage see Disk Quotas for Proj Space.

How to add people to a Proj Space?

Adding or removing people from a Proj Space requires the PI to email with the onyens they would like to add or remove to their posix group rc_labname_psx. Once a person has been added, they will have access to /proj/labname. They will need a Longleaf or Dogwood account to access this Proj Space: Request a cluster account. Occasionally, users will create new files and directories that are not accessable to others in the same Proj Space. This can be fixed by changing permissions of files: How to Use UNIX and Linux File Permissions.

Disk Quotas for Proj Space

Proj Spaces are intially given 1 TB of disk space by default. Please email for requests to increase the Disk Quota of the Proj Space. The Disk Quota and usage can be checked here. The Disk Quota is the folder’s soft limit. When it gets that full, it is a warning that the folder is approaching its hard limit. The Proj Space can still go beyond the soft limit (up to the hard limit), but once the folder reaches its soft limit, a 7-day grace period clock is started. If the folder does not get back below the soft limit by the end of the grace period, then no files can be added/expanded in that directory: Whatever usage that folder has at that point becomes the hard limit, until it is reduced back below the soft limit.

Additional Help

Be sure to check the Research Computing Documentation for information about other resources available to you.


Last Update 10/23/2024 1:42:41 PM