
Basic Information About Images

Making a Reservation

Create a New Image

Grant Access to an Image

Update an Image

User Preferences

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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What is the VCL? VCL provides users remote access to hardware and software that they would otherwise have to install themselves, or visit a computer lab to use. In the VCL, operating system images with the desired applications and custom configurations are stored in an image library, and deployed to a server on-demand when a user requests it.

Below are the most common procedures for using the Virtual Computing Lab (VCL). When you first access the VCL web site, by default you will only have permission to make reservations. You will need to request additional permissions from Research Computing in order to create and manage images.

Basic Information About Images

Some basic information about how images work on the VCL in order to be able to create and manage them.

Basic Image Information

Making a Reservation

This is how you request to use an image on the VCL.

Create a New Reservation

Create a New Image

Create a new image from a base or pre-exising image to be added to the VCL image library. (Only applies to users enabled to manage images.)

Create a New Windows Image Create a New Linux Image

Grant Access to an Image

Access has to be granted to an image in order for other users to make reservations for it. (Only applies to users enabled to manage images.)

Grant Image Access

Update an Image

This is how to update an existing image and save a new version of it. (Only applies to users enabled to manage images.)

Update Image

User Preferences

Customize settings for reservation email notifications and RDP file settings for Remote Desktop Connction used when connecting to Windows reservations.

Modify User Preferences

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


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VCL Home Page


Last Update 3/6/2025 11:11:21 PM